In the meantime, here’s some more information to read up on burial insurance with sample rates by age.
Click below to jump to the section that interests you:
Below are sample Male and Female rates by age. Find your age on the left column and see how much coverage you can get from $20 per month to $70 per month.
Please note these are rates with one of the Tennessee-approved burial plans.
There are some great burial plans available for Tennessee residents. Some of the best in the country. Here are the top 5:
“A” Rated Company with Affordable Plans Up to 35,000.00 in Coverage! Instant decision, 100% over the phone.
“A” Rated Company Founded in 1895 offering Great Final Expense Plans in Addition to Excellent Membership Perks
Founded in 1958 and features Diverse and Robust Product Lineup with Flexible Underwriting.
A + Rated Company and One of The Most Trusted Final Expense Companies in The Industry.
Offering Coverages Available up to 40,000 and features a Fast, Simple and Easy Application Process
“A” Rated Company and One of the Largest Life Insurance Companies Worldwide!
Have health concerns? No Problem! AIG Offers a Guaranteed Acceptance Final Expense Plan with Instant Approvals!
Each burial insurance company will look at your health differently.
You need to speak with a licensed Tennessee field underwriter who can take your health situation and determine which plans you can qualify for, then compare the rates of those plans you can qualify for. That’s how we’re able to get the best rates for Tennessee residents. Here’s how to get that started:
Option 1– Complete the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire That’s Been Sent to Your Email Address
Option 2- Simply Speak with A Licensed Kentucky Senior Benefits Field Underwriter to Determine Which Company Is Best for You Based on Specific Health Questions and To Find A Plan That Works for Your Budget.
The application process for all Tennessee approved burial plans is fast and easy.
After a licensed field underwriting agent pre-qualifies you for coverage, it’s simply a 20-30 minute phone interview with the burial insurance company to get an instant decision. You’ll know if you’ve been approved right away.
The burial insurance company checks your Medical Information Bureau (applications for other insurance) and Pharmacy report (medications) in real time to verify your answers are correct.
And don’t worry, no payment needs to come out today. Let your agent know when you want your payments coming out – we suggest the day your social security payment hits your account.
Question: What Is the Average Cost of a Funeral?
Currently, Nationwide, The Average Cost of a Funeral is Between $8,000.00 and $10,000.00!
Cremation can be $1000-$2500, but don’t forget about coverage any final debts you have.
Question: Which Burial Insurance Companies Have the Best Rates?
Question: Why Do I Need Burial Insurance?
Burial insurance is important for several reasons.
First and foremost, it’s imperative not to leave the burden and the cost of the funeral on your loved one’s shoulders.
Additionally, burial insurance can cover any final debts you have so they don’t get passed on to your spouse, children or grandchildren.
Question: What’s the difference between “Burial Insurance”, “Final Expense” insurance and “Funeral Insurance?
They’re all the same. You can use those terms interchangeably.